Monday 5 December 2016

Review: Lekkerineenpotje Strawberry & Lemon Lip Scrub

Hi loves! Today I have something great for you and you can say its a must have item this season, if you are fan of matte lipsticks ;) Its Lekkerineenpotje Strawberry & Lemon Lip Scrub (15ml, 6.95 EUR), which is natural and vegan.

The scrub comes in a little tin and it contains just enough product before it goes bad. That what happens with the Lush lip scrub. I guess I should scrub my lips more often.

The lip scrub is with granulated organic sugar and also contains vitamin E. It has a lovely lemon scent, which is so fresh and absolutely delicious :)

I like to use it in the mornings before I do my makeup. Its perfect when my lips are chipped. It makes my lips smooth and soft. I apply bit of the product on wet lips and massage my lips with it. I personally feel like my lips are slightly bigger when I use it, but you can see the before and after picture down below.

I'm so happy I got it in Style Tone box and to be honest I can't wait to try more from the brand. They have very yummy looking body scrubs available :D If you are interested in this lip scrub you can check it out here.

Which is your favorite lip scrub?

Thanks for reading! xo's


  1. This lip scrub sounds lovely!

    Telina | Love, Telina

  2. the lip scrub sounds lovely, especially the scent!


  3. Oh looks nice! I love scarbs esp for lips! I have a bad habit of biting them.

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