Friday 4 March 2016

Little Lush Haul

Hi beauties! Welcome back :) Today I have for you a little haul on some Lush goodies I picked up. I already know I adore their bath bombs, so I ended up getting few new things as well, which I have never tried before.

First I picked up this cute Pink Flamingo bath bomb. As you may know I love color pink and also their bath bombs, so I needed to give it a try. I'll keep you guys posted how I like it on upcoming post.

I'll be doing a lot of traveling between Netherlands and Belgium, so I picked up one of their The Comforter Shower Creams (100 g). It in the perfect size to take with me when traveling and it also smells so good and is pink with glitter in it :D Can't get better then that!

You know how they have testers of all items out and I tried their Sympathy For The Skin Hand- & Bodylotion (240 g). It made my hands so soft, so I needed to get it. Its going to be part of my pamper routine as it is around 22 EUR and the jar it comes in is not that big. Why good things always contain so few product!

I adore Lush lip scrubs and I did run out, so I got their The Kiss Lip Scrub (25 g), which smells so good and it has little harts in it. 

I did got complimentary solid fragrance and its called Kerbside Violet (21 g), which smells so good. I have never tried any solid fragrances before. I like how small it is, so I can have it with me on the go.

Have you tried any of these products before?

Thanks for reading! xo's


  1. I love lush products!! I can't wait until I can have a bath again in my next house <3

  2. The Comforter is my favourite shower gel, also my favourite bubble bar as I just love the scent of it x

  3. I've not tried any of these products but the Flamingo bubble bar is super cute! <3

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  4. i love the flamingo bubble bar! x

  5. i have the lip scrub and love it, need to check some of the others out!

    danielle | avec danielle / giveaway
